Our Turtle Team Needs YOU!
Orenda Wildlife Land Trust is seeking your help protecting Diamondback terrapin turtles at our “Turtle Garden” located on one of our Sanctuaries in West Barnstable, where they have been nesting in large numbers for years. Terrapins are listed as “Threatened” in Massachusetts due to various factors including overharvesting in the 19th century, predation, traffic, and…
Read MoreWildlife After Hours
JOIN US! Please join Orenda Wildlife Land Trust and other members of the Cape Cod Wildlife Collaborative for a special virtual event entitled “Wildlife After Hours” this coming Thursday night, February 11th, from 7-8:30 PM. Representatives from Wildlife Collaborative member organizations will each be giving a brief presentation on the mating habits of a particular…
Read MoreHappy Earth Day 2020
Dear Friends of Orenda Wildlife Land Trust, We are in a time of great change. Our lives have been affected dramatically by this global pandemic. The changes have been difficult for all of us, and devastating to many. Our economies, health and peace of mind are threatened. We need each other now more than ever…
Read MoreThinking of you, your family, and friends in this unsettled time
Dear Friend of Orenda Wildlife Land Trust (OWLT), We are thinking of you, your family, and friends in this unsettled time and sending you wishes for peace, prosperity and, most importantly, good health. In alignment with federal, state and local authorities, we are following social distancing precautions regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) in order to keep volunteers,…
Read MoreOrenda Wildlife Land Trust looks to the future
The Barnstable Patriot Article By Barbara Clark Read the article here: Brewster native Jeff Thibodeau has recently been named as the new executive director of the Orenda Wildlife Land Trust, whose offices are located on Route 6A in Barnstable. Thibodeau took up his new post in January, succeeding Orenda’s former director, Theresa Mitchell Barbo, who…
Read MoreOrenda Wildlife Land Trust receives grant to enhance habitat for wildlife
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 11, 2019 Baker-Polito Administration Awards Grants to Municipalities and Organizations for Wildlife Habitat Management BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded $341,396 to individuals, municipalities and organizations across the state for projects to improve habitat for native Massachusetts wildlife. The grants are provided through the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game’s Division…
Read MoreCape Cod Wildlife Festival – 10th Annual
Join Us! For the 10th Annual Cape Cod Wildlife Festival Saturday September 7th, 2019 from 10am to 3pm Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary 345 Bone Hill Road Cummaquid, Mass Download a pdf poster here: Cape Cod Wildlife Festival 2019 (pdf)
Read MoreGather on the Grasses
Cape Wildlife Center & Orenda Wildlife Land Trust to Host Gather on the Grasses (Cummaquid, Cape Cod, Mass.) – Bring your own picnic and blanket to spread on the ground for Gather on the Grasses, two informal and engaging lectures for anyone interested in Cape Cod wildlife and preserving open spaces. Gather is hosted by Zak Mertz, executive director of…
Read MoreOrenda’s board members attend the Compact’s Southeastern Massachusetts Convocation of Land Trusts
Orenda begins Habitat Management Program for New England Cottontail in Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge
Work began on our Carl Monge Sanctuary and Makepeace Mercy Lowe Sanctuary the week of February 20th. The Orenda Wildlife Land Trust,Inc., Town of Mashpee, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, will partner to restore native habitat at the above sanctuaries and 147 Lovells Lane.…
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