Give a Gift to Wildlife
Your donation or membership will help preserve and protect open space for wildlife habitat on Cape Cod and throughout Massachusetts.
Philanthropist–$1000 or more
Sponsor — $100
Family — $50
Individual — $35

Please donate today by clicking on the button (choosing your preferred donation type) entering your credit/debit card information and the amount of your gift. All information will be secure and kept strictly confidential.
Your contribution will help to support one or more of the following initiatives:
Wildlife Sanctuary protection
Species protection including our young but thriving diamondback terrapin turtle protection program needs support so that we can do more for this threatened population. Our growing education and outreach initiatives, including our Story Hour series and other events.
You can give in one or more of the following ways:
- Gifts of Land
- Financial contributions - cash/check/card or appreciated securities (stocks/bonds/options/mutual fund or ETF shares)
- Planned Giving - naming Orenda in your will
Regular Annual Donation(s) – You can make a single donation as often as you would like at any time by clicking on this link.
Donations of any size are appreciated and your contribution will be used wisely to advance our programs and priorities. You can also apply your gift towards a specific purpose, such as land & wildlife protection.
- Donations of $35 or more entitle you to receive our semi-annual newsletter and news about other important programs and announcements as well as a complimentary Orenda window sticker.
- Donations of $250 or more entitle you to a complimentary Orenda baseball cap.
- Donations over $500 receive all of the above plus an Orenda T-shirt.
- Donations over $1,500 receive a framed land or wildlife photo and all of the above.
All donors receive a listing in our publicized acknowledgments and a thank you letter that can be used to claim a donation on your tax return.
Sustaining Membership – Become a sustaining member! Our “20 for 20” Green Giving Program invites you to commit $20 a month (or any amount you can afford) on an automatically recurring basis to help us pay for 20 acres of Sanctuary land that we recently saved. A small investment for a huge reward. You can give to our “20 for 20” Campaign HERE and just set it and forget it.
THANK YOU in advance for any gift you can give of any amount to help us continue to preserve our woods, wildlife, waters, and winds. For everyone. Forever.
Leave a Legacy
A bequest is a wonderful way to create a lasting land legacy. A simple provision in your will (“I leave $______ to Orenda Wildlife Land Trust, with its principal offices at 4011 Main Street, Cummaquid, MA 02637 for its wildlife habitat protection program.”) will help Orenda continue to preserve remaining wildlife habitat on Cape Cod and will decrease your heirs’ estate taxes. Our mailing address is PO Box 669, West Barnstable, MA 02668
Orenda can accomplish so much when supporters remember us in their wills. A generous gift of $20,000 enabled Orenda to purchase the No Bottom Pond Sanctuary in Brewster because of a donor’s thoughtful planning. The David Nelson Sanctuary in Plymouth was created when the donor transferred ownership of his property to Orenda in his will, fulfilling his heartfelt desire to preserve and protect wildlife habitat.
A 60 acres sanctuary on the south shore will come into our care and a generous land stewardship endowment has been created in anticipation, to help take care of it when we become its stewards.
Orenda sincerely thanks all of its supporters who have already named Orenda in their wills.
Create a Memorial/ Honor A Friend
An especially meaningful way to remember or honor a friend or loved one is to give a donation in their name. Memorial donations are a lasting tribute and another way to help Orenda acquire and maintain protected open space wildlife sanctuaries. Several special memorial donations have helped Orenda acquire and provide stewardship to several sanctuaries in Mashpee. Orenda acknowledges each donation received in honor or memory of someone with a personal letter of thanks. For more information about donations in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, please call Orenda at (508) 362-4798 or email us at
Give a Gift of Appreciated Securities
Consider a gift of appreciated securities to Orenda. If you have held stocks or bonds for more than one year and they have increased in value, you are likely eligible for a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value. A gift of this type allows you to avoid the capital gains tax that would be due if you sold the securities. Orenda’s Smith’s Dock Sanctuary in West Barnstable was made possible through a donation of appreciated securities, as was Orenda’s capacity to protect critical habitat on the Child’s River in Waquoit. Please call Orenda at (508) 362-4798 or email us at to learn more about making a gift of appreciated securities.