
Life Cycle of the Diamondback Terrapin Turtle – Bob Prescott

Come join Orenda’s Turtle Team tomorrow, September 9th, at 4 PM at 194 Meadow Lane, West Barnstable on our turtle garden for a special event…

Cape Cod Wildlife Festival

Come see us at the Cape Cod Wildlife Festival along with other wildlife protection organizations. Music, fun, food, information, and friendly faces. Saturday, September 11th…

It’s Hatchling Season at Orenda’s Turtle Garden

Our Executive Director walked away from his electronic devices today, put on his work boots, grabbed a shovel and installed some motion activated game cameras,…

Pasquale J. and Margaret E. Russo Wildlife Sanctuary Dedication August 10, 2021

We were so thankful on August 10th to have the opportunity to visit with our friends and partners at Barnstable Land Trust, who allowed us…

Land Trusts Working to Preserve Cape’s Natural Areas

Check out Orenda’s contribution to the Conservation Voices series in The Cape Codder newspaper on our Facebook page.

Turtle Team Training Event July 8th

Dear Friends of Orenda Wildlife Land Trust! I hope you are well on this beautiful summer day. I am writing to invite you to join…

Join our Turtle Team!

Our Turtle Team needs YOU! We hope you will join our Turtle Team. During the summer of 2021, Orenda is protecting Diamondback Terrapin turtles at…

Our Turtle Team Needs YOU!

Orenda Wildlife Land Trust is seeking your help protecting Diamondback terrapin turtles at our “Turtle Garden” located on one of our Sanctuaries in West Barnstable,…

Wildlife After Hours

JOIN US! Please join Orenda Wildlife Land Trust and other members of the Cape Cod Wildlife Collaborative for a special virtual event entitled “Wildlife After…

Happy Earth Day 2020

Dear Friends of Orenda Wildlife Land Trust, We are in a time of great change. Our lives have been affected dramatically by this global pandemic.…

Thinking of you, your family, and friends in this unsettled time

Dear Friend of Orenda Wildlife Land Trust (OWLT), We are thinking of you, your family, and friends in this unsettled time and sending you wishes…

Orenda Wildlife Land Trust looks to the future

The Barnstable Patriot Article By Barbara Clark Read the article here: Brewster native Jeff Thibodeau has recently been named as the new executive director of…