Spring Forward with Orenda’s Turtle Protection Team!


Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead tonight! Daylight savings starts March 13th, a sure sign that spring is around the corner…

But, how do our Diamondback Terrapins know that spring is coming? Turtles begin to slowly awaken, or come out of brumation, in March and April, as they sense the temperatures getting warmer.

Warmer temperatures also mean that Orenda’ s Turtle Protection Team of volunteers is getting ready for the 2022 nesting season.

Would you like to be part of our efforts to protect this threatened species? If so, email Lisa Nagel at lisanagel@orendalandtrust.org and keep an eye on our website, Facebook and Instagram accounts for more information about how you can support Orenda’s effort to protect land and wildlife.

Lisa Nagel is Orenda’s Volunteer Turtle Team Coordinator, a member of the Board of Directors and the Organization’s incoming Clerk. She is honored to be part of an organization with a mission of protecting land and wildlife, and is especially interested in connecting and engaging with young people to help protect our valuable resources.