Diamondback Terrapin Protection Program

Join Our Turtle Protection Team!

⇒ Terrapin Protection Team Resources

Terrapins spend most of their lives in the salt marsh. Each summer, females lay their eggs in sandy areas above the high tide line. Eggs hatch in the late summer and early fall and the hatchlings make their way to the upper rim of the marsh, where they mature for several years before entering the larger marsh area.

If you are a volunteer interested in being part of our Turtle Protection Team, please email us at Turtles@orendalandtrust.org to arrange to join us for an upcoming volunteer training session:

  • Saturday, May 25, 2024: Returning Volunteers – 10 AM, New Volunteers – 11:30 AM

  • Saturday, June 1, 2024: Returning Volunteers – 10 AM, New Volunteers – 11:30 AM

Both training sessions will take place at the Margaret Wyman Sanctuary at 194 Meadow Lane in West Barnstable