Makepeace & Mercy Lowe Sanctuaries
Makepeace & Mercy Lowe Sanctuaries, Mashpee, Massachusetts – 1998 & 2001
Once used as a woodlot to fuel the furnaces at the West Barnstable Brick Company, the 86 acre Makepeace sanctuary located in Mashpee is primarily a continuous pitch pine and oak species forest. The land was donated to Orenda by the heirs of Mr. Makepeace, known as “The Cranberry King” for his thriving cranberry growing business.
The 50 acre adjacent Mercy Lowe land was purchased in 2001 at auction. Many generous donors and funders made this acquisition possible.
Observed/Protected Species
Six distinct forest types have been identified; all are variations of the pitch pine/oak forest. Other tree species include: red maple, American holly, cherry, American beech, pignut hickory, bigtooth aspen and sassafras. Other vegetation includes: hawthorne, hazelnut, northern arrowwood, witherod and other viburnums, lowbush blueberry, inkberry and other shrubs, as well as pink ladyslippers.
The habitat supports state rare species Eastern box turtle and Pine Barrens Buckmoth.
Acquisition Date
December 30, 1998
How Acquired
Makepeace Sanctuary donated by heirs of William Makepeace.
Mercy Lowe land purchased at auction.
Directions: Access by foot only—from the northeast gate of the Carl Monge Sanctuary (opposite Hane Road on Lovells Lane) proceed southwest down Simon Lowe Road (also called Bookers Road) to Grafton Pocknet Road. Then walk north along the dirt road which becomes Bearses Road. Follow road north to Great Hay Road which is gated and comes in from the right. This junction is the northern end of the Makepeace property along Bearses Road. Time? About 45 minutes and yes, it’s a hike!
By car, take Quashnet Road off of Great Neck Road north and proceed westward to the locked gate, and park. Quashnet then becomes Wm. Mingo Road which heads due west and joins Grafton Pocknet Road. Grafton Pocket Road runs north and becomes Bearses Road.
Beginning at the junction of Great Hay and Bearses Road the Makepeace property runs on both sides of the dirt road southward for 1,700 feet. At that point, it joins the Mercy Lowe property which also runs on both sides of the road southward for 552 feet.